Building Notices can be time-consuming, complex and expensive to resolve. Should the matter ultimately reach Court and an adverse finding is given against the owner of the property, significant fines and costs may be imposed by the Court.
The structures may be justifiable subject to any regulatory issues being identified and resolved to Council satisfaction. At a minimum, you will need to engage a registered structural engineer to inspect the structure and Issue a Regulation 126 - Certificate of Compliance - Inspection, as well as identifying and detailing any additional strengthening work that may be required.
A registered draftsperson will need to prepare drawings indicating the original layout, current building structures and how they comply with the building legislation. If any additional works are required to be carried out to either complete the project or bring it into compliance then further drawings will be required.
Where authority consent is also required, such as siting consents, build over easements consents, planning permits, etc.. these approvals will also need to obtained and submitted as part of the response to Council.
In essence, generally, the same level of documentation is required to be submitted to Council as if you had applied for a building permit in the first instance. You should be aware that the Council has some onerous paperwork requirements – refer to their advice sheet that was issued with the Building Notice.
We have a proven track record of assisting owners with resolving Council Building Notices and Orders.
For a tailored fee proposal for our services just send a copy of your building notice, photos, plans, and full contact details or give us a call.