Complaint Management Procedure
As professional building surveyors we want your project to proceed with as few issues as possible, however should a client might feel that a complaint is warranted, then we have a formal complaints procedure in place.
Where our role requires us to undertake building regulatory and statutory enforcement actions, then these are usually not grounds for a complaint and may need to be dealt with via another process, such as the Building Appeals Board.
To instigate a complaint please send an e-mail to office@castlekane.com.au, with COMPLAINT in the subject line and we will contact you with a complaint submission form.
The Complaint Management process is as follows:
1 Submission of complaint form.
2 Registration and acknowledgement of instigation of complaint process, including likely time frame to resolve
the matter.
3 Review of complaint by Company Director.
4 Request for further clarification / documentation from complainant (if necessary) to substantiate complaint.
5 Written notification to complainant on outcome of complaint procedure and possible other options to try
and resolve the matter.